We have compiled all the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Masorti Movement and Foundation here on this page.
What is the Masorti Movement?
The Masorti Movement is the Israeli led initiative of the Conservative movement that promotes a pluralistic, egalitarian, and inclusive approach to Jewish life in Israel. The name Masorti is derived from the Hebrew “Masoret,” meaning “tradition.” The Movement honors and preserves our traditions. It also respects how modern Israelis live today and strongly advocates for religious freedom for all Jews in Israel.
What is the Masorti Foundation? How is it different from the Movement?
The Foundation is the organization in America responsible for raising funds to support the Masorti Movement and its activities in Israel. It also serves as the Movement’s voice to American media, public officials and Jewish leadership.
What is the Masorti Movement’s budget and what does it cover?
The current budget is $3.3 million. This covers all national programs and subsidies to Masorti congregations, including its youth programs, rabbinic support and materials for observance. The Masorti Foundation, together with Jewish Agency and income from local donations, are the main sources of income for the Movement.
Why don’t Israelis support their own Movement with synagogue dues or donations, the way North American Jews do?
In Israel, religious institutions, including synagogues, are heavily funded by the State with the expectation of fee-less participation. This funding, however, is limited to Orthodox institutions. Virtually no public funding goes to Masorti or Reform Movements.
Masorti congregations (kehillot), contrary to custom in Israel, do collect dues to fund local and national programs. To grow the Movement, to nurture it so that it becomes a significant force in Israeli life, it needs the help and support of friends in North America.
Who comprises the Masorti Movement’s Kehillot (congregations)?
The Movement prides itself on the wide-ranging roots and views of its members. Two-thirds of Masorti congregants are either native-born Israelis or are immigrants from Latin America, Europe and the former Soviet Union. North Americans, who established the Movement’s first synagogues, comprise around one-third of the current membership. This diversity and inclusiveness are driving engines of the Movement.
What is the Movement's relationship with diaspora Jews?
The Masorti Movement sees great value in the connection between Israel and the Diaspora. Many of the Masorti communities in Israel have a sister community abroad. They visit us in Israel, and we visit them there. Conservative Jews around the world see the Masorti movement in Israel as a vital connection to the State of Israel and its people.
Is the Masorti Movement Zionistic?
The Masorti Movement considers itself to be very Zionistic. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, when Zionism was a marginal movement in world Jewry, the emerging Masorti Movement at that time supported Zionism.
Even nowadays, the global Masorti Movement encourages immigration to Israel, and Conservative Judaism abroad works with many other organizations in an effort to protect the State of Israel and encourage visits and immigration.
How can I Join?
There are over 70 Masorti communities, groups and minyans scattered all over the country. Click on (button that says Find a Kehillah) which will direct you to a community closest to you. And if you can’t find a Masorti community near your home – contact us (button that goes to the contact form). We will be happy to guide and assist you!
I want to establish a Masorti community, how do I do this?
Every year new Masorti communities are established. We will be happy to assist with guidance, study, training, and practical assistance. Contact us using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Do you have additional questions about the Masorti movement? Send us a message, and we'll promptly reply to you via email.
Kehillot (Congragations)
The Egalitarian Kotel
NOAM Youth Movement
Adraba Center