צרו קשר

The Masorti Guide to Aliyah

The Masorti Guide to Aliyah
The Masorti movement in Israel seeks to welcome every new and or potential Conservative oleh. Together with our sister organizations: Machon Schechter; the TALI Schools, the United Synagogue’s Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center; the Conservative Yeshiva; Ramah day camps; Nefesh B’Nefesh and the Jewish Agency, Masorti is committed to reaching out, even before the potential oleh has made his or her decision.
In that context, Masorti recently set up a committee on Aliyah and Klitah. Some of the committees’ many projects are represented in this electronic booklet that is designed to offer the reader a brief capsule description of the many and rich available resources that are available to Conservative olim. The reader will find links, enabling him or her to download more information about kehillot (congregations), institutions of higher education, Tali schools and much more.
Thank you to the project’s editor, and new olah, Bonnie Ras who took over mid-stream when the original editor, Jordana Bickel — and also new olah – entered a new phase in her career with MASA, shortly after the project was launched.
My thanks also to my committee that worked directly on this project with me: Josie Arbel, Judy Gray and Ruth Ritterband. And thank to Yizhar Hess, executive director of Masorti and Emily Levy-Shochat, Masorti president for their support and understanding.
Aliyah remains an option open to every Conservative Jew, wherever he or she is to be found. It is hoped that this booklet will, in some small measure, contribute to the process which ultimately results in Aliyah and a successful Klitah.
Readers are invited to contact me with suggestions for a second edition plus reactions.
Shalom from Jerusalem.
Rabbi Paul Freedman
Committee on Aliyah and Klitah,
The Masorti Movement
Jerusalem, Israel
Telephone: 972 2 6256205
Mobile: 052 604 8292, Fax: 972 2 6222254
Email: nina_f@netvision.net.il


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אשמח לקבל ניוזלטר
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